Top 5 Benefits of Native Mobile App Development

Developers can create apps that take advantage of an operating system’s features. Native apps entailed the development of separate apps for each platform. Better performance is one of the core benefits of native mobile apps. When coding, developers need to make sure that an app will work properly on any device it can be installed on.

benefits of native mobile app development

Native app developers can access new SDK for starting developing their apps with the latest features. Due to this lead time, native app users can access new platform features after updating their OS. One of its unique approaches towards mobile app development is planning the MVP and understanding that business target audience. WDI has set a separate platform for itself in terms of mobile app development. They take advantage of push notifications to send alerts to users even if their devices are off or in sleep mode.

From device camera to GPS to microphone or fingerprint scanner or face recognition system, native apps are built to utilize all these features of particular platforms and devices. In this article, we’ll highlight the benefits of native mobile app development and why this may be the best approach for your project. Native app development makes it easier to create rich and engaging user experiences. The platform-specific UI elements and APIs give developers everything they need to build stunning apps that users will love using.

Access to Complete Device Features

The fact is, with cross-platform applications, developers are not instantly able to execute new features. Given the frequency with which Android and iOS release updates, this can periodically be a problem as the delays spoil the user experience. Sometimes the mobile app development methodology can seem lengthy and complicated. Nevertheless, all the challenges disappear when you start noticing the benefits of that entire challenging job. A perfectly built native mobile app can easily allow a business to grow beyond limits and accomplish past expectations. Mostly for superior user experience and exceptional app performance.

benefits of native mobile app development

This helps companies gain access to specialized talent if needed or even large teams of developers to get a specific job done in a rushed timeline. These teams also offer expertise and insight to help companies and their projects succeed in the long run thanks to their experience in the field. Choosing a company for an application development project is a daunting task, to say the least.

As a native app has to follow the regulations of either Google Play or Apple’s App Store, the launch is much faster and easier. Years of experience in mobile app development and tech blogging allow Matthew to inspire readers with his practical ideas and meaningful insights regarding mobile solutions. First and foremost, native apps have better performance than cross-platform or hybrid solutions.


You don’t have to depend on cross-platform app development programs. Often the disadvantage with the hybrid apps is they depend on a bridge to access the hardware, resulting in slowing the performance. This is one of the major reasons why the native apps are able to offer a much-enhanced user experience. Since they are platform specific, they strictly adhere to the guidelines laid down by the Apple or Google even during the app design. Building native apps for each platform at a time can be expensive, but this offers unmatched benefits to an app project in the long run.

Since native apps are designed specifically for each platform, it is easy to add or remove features. For a native platform, UI or UX will be unified and properly learned by the users. On this platform, the entire broader UI will be standard in the native applications.

Seamless Performance and Fast Operating Speed

In complete contrast to this native development approach, we also have a cross-platform development approach that allows building a single app that can be run on both Android and iOS platforms. In the case of cross-platform development, the entire app code remains the same for both platforms except only a few UI elements specific to each platform. Because native apps should be compatible with a single platform, they can be configured rapidly. If you want to combine the benefits of native and cross-platform solutions, you may need to start natively and then optimize a few minor app components with additional cross-platform code. When Android and iOS roll out software upgrades, IT teams can instantly execute the latest features since they have easy and quick access to new SDKs that allow modifying the application. One benefit of native mobile app development worth mentioning is the capability to welcome instant updates.

We deliver a strong web presence for our clients and their business on the mobile platform. We always aim to surpass our clients’ expectations and set the heights in mobile and web application development. Native app development also allows you to offer embedded certification and in-app multifactor authentication. The latter is especially vital for an application that requires storing sensitive data, like personal or financial information.

benefits of native mobile app development

It has worked with top companies like Zee5, Clarence, BMW, Vodafone, and IBM. The decision of the correct type of app for a project sometimes proves a difficult one for teams building new products. Some certainly benefit from a more hybrid approach for cross-platform compatibility. However, native apps built specifically for one operating system prove useful for a variety of cases. But on the other hand, it also enables companies to deliver fast and responsive app interfaces to their users, thus enhancing user experience.

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For these reasons and many more, progressive web apps are said to be the future of the mobile web. Users can access them through a browser from any device and any operating system. A major way to achieve this is through the approach you take to creating your application.

  • For cross-platform apps, it can entail more bottlenecks to cope with.
  • Of course, everything depends on your unique goals and business needs.
  • Get your mobile app development budget straight with our ultimate guide to the app development cost.
  • With native mobile apps, superb loading speed, ease of use, and efficiency remain key advantages that ensure excellent user experience.
  • This is because Android is an open-source and the most used operating system with more options for developers.
  • Native mobile apps run more smoothly, especially when it comes to user input and output.

Maintenance of a native app is a bit complex unlike a hybrid app’s maintenance because the latest version of the app should be launched. Because when an application thoroughly follows the instructions for famous platforms, users quickly get to know the ways of using it. To build Windows Phone apps, you need the languages C# or C++, the Microsoft Visual Studio environment, plus Windows Phone SDK, Silverlight SDK and other tools. Before you start to build that mobile app, ask yourself these questions to ensure success.

2 Progressive Web Apps

This results in higher stability, better performance, relatively easy maintenance, and facilitated scalability. When building a platform-specific app, app developers often use software development kits . The tools provide necessary libraries that are essential when working on the app’s functionality, using the device’s hardware, or managing users’ inputs. Since both Apple and Google constantly update these tools, native application development implies higher flexibility in terms of available features. Both Apple and Google provide app developers with their own development tools, interface elements, and SDK . Most companies will invest in native mobile app development because of the myriad of benefits offered in comparison to other types of apps such as Hybrid or Web.

Benefits of Cross-Platform App Development

When it comes to native mobile app development, one of the main advantages is that there are fewer bugs. These days, businesses choose native apps because they easily combine with the whole ecosystem. In this age of mobile apps, maximum organizations are prioritizing native mobile app development because people look for mobile apps for every use. Native app development gives developers considerably more control over the user experience. We believe it’s best to stick with native and not sacrifice the design elements that are unique to each platform. With hybrid app development, developers are dependent on a cross-platform development tool such as Xamarin or Cordova.

Now, let’s move on to some of the key advantages this approach can bring. If you are especially on the lookout for some of the top mobile app development companies in Chennai, get in touch with Pyramidions. We are a team of app developers with great expertise in native mobile app development. Native apps provide several advantages over other types of mobile app development, including better performance and more seamless integration with the device’s operating system. Since these apps need more effort and time to be built, they are recommended to be paid while hybrid apps are generally launched to be free.

Primarily, because the application interacts directly with native APIs and doesn’t depend on middleware. While many organizations started to implement mobile apps a long time ago, some are just at the beginning of their journey. Yet, regardless of the stage you’re in, there are lots of things to think about, and the development approach you’re going to go with is one of them. This is because native apps are developed specifically for a particular platform, such as iOS or Android.

As users navigate through a native mobile app, the contents and visual elements are already stored on their phone. Native mobile app development involves building apps for particular mobile operating systems using its native coding language, instead of writing apps in cross platform languages like Ionic. If you intend to build a native application for iOS, mobile app developers will use programming languages like Objective-C or Swift. In contrast, developing for Android calls for the programming languages Java or Kotlin. With hybrid mobile app development, the code is written only once and can be used across multiple platforms.

Native apps are one of the best ways for companies to make their products available on smartphones so that they increase their customer reach and keep up with changing trends in technology. A native app accesses a phone’s hardware features, like the camera and GPS locator, which means that it performs tasks faster and with less battery usage than web-based applications. They frequently even rely on the hardware of benefits of native mobile app development the device on which they’re installed in order to work. As a global consultancy, we have strategic partnerships with technology pioneers like Marketo,, Alteryx, Adobe, Optimizely and Jive. We combine these new platforms with our innovative approaches to provide effective solutions to our clients. Doing this has allowed us to help hundreds of companies to transform their business and save millions.

Get in touch with a reliable mobile app development company and get started. Both native and cross-platform mobile app development have their pros and cons. But of late, the native mobile apps are getting more preference in comparison to the hybrid apps. Native mobile applications offer a more streamlined experience than cross-platform ones. Let’s learn some of the advantages of native mobile application development over cross-platform solutions in this article.

A native mobile app is developed specifically for a given operating system. Users can only access and download them from a specific store like the App Store for Apple, and Google Play Store for Android. A native mobile application also involves the developers using a particular language for that specific app. Get inspired by the trending tech stacks for native mobile development of apps. Find out the uniqueness of each programming language, the advantages they offer, and how they are relevant to the quality of mobile app development. So, if you’ve been asking yourself “What is native mobile application development?

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